Good day Family! Resharing one of my past writings on this Testimony Tuesday! God bless and make it a great day in the Lord!
I'm in the Spirit right now.
My strength comes from the Father, for my heavenly Father told me "Yes, You Can" when I felt I was in my deepest and darkest place ever.
God told me to trust in Him and He'd bring me through. He wanted me to not just believe in Him but to believe in myself. God said, "Yes, You Can"!! When I think my plate is overwhelmingly full - God says - "Yes, You Can"!!
I know my journey wouldn't be a successful one without His strength and endearing love for me. I know I wouldn't be in this position to hold on and keep on pushing if it wasn't for His grace and mercy. I've run into many obstacles on my journey - yet being discouraged isn't in my vocabulary. God has and continues to remind me that with everything in front of me - He's got me. God says be encouraged - "Yes, You Can"! "Yes Lord, I can"!
My daily prayers and my belief in the Father keeps me on this aggressive path to not only better myself but to encourage someone else. If I can recognize where all my gifts and talents come from and praise Him for trusting me to use them to glorify Him - you can too!
Step up, step out! Praise God for every challenge you've faced because you've been made into a better person for it. You made it through didn't you? Of course, you did - God said, "Yes, You Can"!!!
Each one reaches one, pass on God's love story! Help another to see exactly why you're smiling. Share God's word, His will, His way! We're in this together and I'm with you, my Brother, my Sister - let's take this walk together because with God on our side - we can do anything and we will be one in Him.
God says "Yes, You Can"! Thank you, Father, I can and I will!
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