Good day family! I can't disappoint you, my readers, so here's another one of my writings of past that I'm resharing. Send in your testimony so we'll have new snippets of God's love to share with each other.
Today’s message written by Cindy Reed
I’m sure that at one point and time in your life, you’ve heard the phrase “I’m going to wash your mouth out with soap. Even if it was never said to you, I’m sure you heard it stated. That statement comes from someone believing that a child said or might say something that wasn’t appropriate.
Did you know that you should brush your “tongue” every time you brush your teeth? Do you know the “scientific” reasoning behind it? If not, Google it. I’m here to talk to you about the “spiritual” meaning behind it.
The tongue has a very important role. Without it, you cannot speak. With it, you have a choice on what you speak. The tongue can cut, manipulate, deceive, and destroy, amongst many other negative things. It can praise, sing, testify, preach, and teach, amongst other positive things.
Within our mouth, each one of us has the power to control the negative and the positive. With the tongue, God has given us free will to make choices that either do harm or good. The choice is ours.
My message today comes from the reminder I get when brushing my teeth and I wanted to share that with you. As I brush my teeth, I am reminded from time to time to brush my tongue. I’m not always reminded and when I’m not, I do it anyway. God knows me well and He knows what I’m going to do and say before I do. I get subtle reminders from time to time to brush my tongue. Those reminders say one thing only to me. Brush your tongue as a reminder that you watch what you say today. Let this act that starts off your day, remind you that you should clean your tongue so that you are mindful of what you allow to roll off of it.
Folks, if each of us takes that message/reminder to heart, we’ll do a lot less hurting to one another and more uplifting of one another. Instead of cutting each other down, we’ll build each other up. We’ll start our day off with a certain kind of holiness to do the right thing because we’ve cleansed our tongue of anything foul that shouldn’t be. Germs removed that can cause havoc, not only inside our mouths but cause havoc with what we allow to leave our mouths. A lot can be transferred by way of the tongue.
So each morning when brushing your teeth, if you don’t already do this, think of the Lord our God and brush your tongue with Him in mind. Brush it and make it your daily reminder that you’re cleansing your tongue today to honor Him. Allow yourself to start your day off trying to do the right thing. Remember that the foul language that you let leave your mouth will have a negative impact on you later; in one way, shape or form.
Present positivity. Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
Have a very blessed day today family. One love in Christ. Let’s stand together. Love, Cindy*
"Brush Your Tongue with a Purpose in Mind"
I’m sure that at one point and time in your life, you’ve heard the phrase “I’m going to wash your mouth out with soap. Even if it was never said to you, I’m sure you heard it stated. That statement comes from someone believing that a child said or might say something that wasn’t appropriate.
Did you know that you should brush your “tongue” every time you brush your teeth? Do you know the “scientific” reasoning behind it? If not, Google it. I’m here to talk to you about the “spiritual” meaning behind it.
The tongue has a very important role. Without it, you cannot speak. With it, you have a choice on what you speak. The tongue can cut, manipulate, deceive, and destroy, amongst many other negative things. It can praise, sing, testify, preach, and teach, amongst other positive things.
Within our mouth, each one of us has the power to control the negative and the positive. With the tongue, God has given us free will to make choices that either do harm or good. The choice is ours.
My message today comes from the reminder I get when brushing my teeth and I wanted to share that with you. As I brush my teeth, I am reminded from time to time to brush my tongue. I’m not always reminded and when I’m not, I do it anyway. God knows me well and He knows what I’m going to do and say before I do. I get subtle reminders from time to time to brush my tongue. Those reminders say one thing only to me. Brush your tongue as a reminder that you watch what you say today. Let this act that starts off your day, remind you that you should clean your tongue so that you are mindful of what you allow to roll off of it.
Folks, if each of us takes that message/reminder to heart, we’ll do a lot less hurting to one another and more uplifting of one another. Instead of cutting each other down, we’ll build each other up. We’ll start our day off with a certain kind of holiness to do the right thing because we’ve cleansed our tongue of anything foul that shouldn’t be. Germs removed that can cause havoc, not only inside our mouths but cause havoc with what we allow to leave our mouths. A lot can be transferred by way of the tongue.
So each morning when brushing your teeth, if you don’t already do this, think of the Lord our God and brush your tongue with Him in mind. Brush it and make it your daily reminder that you’re cleansing your tongue today to honor Him. Allow yourself to start your day off trying to do the right thing. Remember that the foul language that you let leave your mouth will have a negative impact on you later; in one way, shape or form.
Present positivity. Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
Have a very blessed day today family. One love in Christ. Let’s stand together. Love, Cindy*
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