What’s the Stigma?
Change the way you see things and the things you see will change.
-Wayne Dyer
Stigma is defined as a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality or person. It’s used most often as a way to attach a negative connotation to something… usually, something that is either not well liked or understood. Such is the case with natural health and healing, including an area that I am particularly partial to, essential oils.

Normally when faced with an illness, what do you do? You go to the doctor, pick up a prescription, take the medication, and voila! You are cured... or so you think. But what if you were given an opportunity to learn about solutions to your minor aches, pains, and illnesses so that you can truly manage your self-care and healing at home, without the meds that sometimes cause side effects? Would you explore it? Or would you question its credibility? Not dismissing conventional health care at all, but just to give you options to help your mind, body, and spirit use its innate power to heal. Typically, we don’t think of our bodies being able to overcome illnesses without a pill. We want to be well immediately without waiting. Allowing time for rest and rejuvenation is unheard of as society has placed so many “have to’s” on our plates, that we barely have time to breathe.
Holistic healthcare addresses the underlying problem of the
Holistic healthcare addresses the underlying problem of the
disease. What’s causing it? What is the root of the problem? Are the triggers for the discomfort emotional or physical? Once uncovered, appropriate methods of treatment are suggested, which could be anything from acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy and yes, essential oils, and that’s only a few modalities to choose from. The stigma that is attached to all things holistic, in my opinion, originates with society’s view that our current healthcare system is the only way to go. To that I say, give me some options. I’d rather be able to choose between one or the other or have a combination of both if I feel that’s what my body needs. My body, my choice.

Just don’t let the stigma fool you!
Traci A. Fonville
Contributing Writer
Traci A. Fonville
Contributing Writer
Traci A. Fonville is a board certified holistic health coach, a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and a registered yoga teacher. She is the owner of I Affirm Wellness, which specializes in health coaching and beginner yoga classes. She is a Wellness Advocate for dōTERRA Essential Oils and educates on proper usage and benefits. Traci is also a Brand Ambassador for ItWorks! Follow Traci on Instagram and Facebook @iaffirmwellness. Log onto her websites for health and wellness products at www.mydoterra.com/iaffirmwellness and www.iaffirmwellness.myitworks.com.
Great material. Thank you