Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Cindy's Featured Book of the Week! God Says by Angela Edwards

God Says
Angela Edwards

Abuse presents itself in many forms: physical, emotional, sexual, mental, neglect, and verbal—just to name a few. It does not discriminate, either. Abuse affects women, men, children, and even animals on unimaginable levels daily.

Have you EVER been:

· Heartbroken?

· Devastated?
· Molested?
· Raped?
· Abandoned?
· Neglected?
· Depressed?
· Rejected?
· Misused?

With the onset of the #MeToo Movement, women are now using their voice to expose abuse at an alarming rate. They know there is a freedom for their hearts, minds, and souls associated with the power of their words. Even animal abuse victims have advocates! #ThinkAboutThat

What about “the others”? Who is publicly giving them a voice?

The God Says I am Battle-Scar Free: Testimonies of Abuse Survivors book series—now in its fourth year of publication—provides women, men, and teens the opportunity to pen their abuse stories…100% anonymously and 100% free. Their transparent testimonies are compelling and purposefully-penned to speak to others who are or have been victimized. They share their painstaking processes leading to wholeness and FREEDOM from the abuse.

Today, they are SURVIVORS!

The Battle-Scar Free series includes over 60 testimonies and provides resources to help you break free…before your name becomes a simple hashtag due to another life lost too soon at the hands of an abuser. 

You are invited to do two things:
  1. Contact Angela Edwards at BestSeller@PearlyGatesPublishing.com or via Facebook Messenger at Pearly Gates Publishing to inquire about having your survivor testimony included in the upcoming 5th publication in the series; and
  2. Visit http://bit.ly/2shu5A0 to shop for the previous best-selling books in the Battle-Scar Free series. No two testimonies are alike—as I’m sure YOU have a unique story to tell as well.
Don’t wait any longer! You no longer have an excuse. You ARE significant. YOUR story and YOUR life matter. The doorway has been opened; walk through and get your healing on the other side! I’ll be waiting to hear from you!

~ Angela Edwards, Survivor

“Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning.”
Psalm 30:5, NKJV

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