Sunday, February 25, 2018

Mindset Matters by Cassandra Williams-Herbert

February the month of Love

For years, February has been the month dedicated to show love. As a child, we are taught to love ourselves first, to understand who we are and what we want to be, enlightened with the greatness of living and loving life.

Love is a deep appreciation for how you love others as we love ourselves. That's a lot to consider when you're trying to understand what love really is in your life.

and Life are about an educational journey of self-discovery. It’s not selfish to love ourselves. It's understood that when you love yourself first, life becomes clearer for you; we're able to open up our hearts to love other people that we encounter in our lives. I found that when you start loving yourself, the world around you begins to change for the better.

Unfortunately, many of us will not love ourselves until a true awareness takes place in your life. Love is also in company with trauma when you lose something or someone special in our life. Love takes on a whole new meaning. I asked a loved one why she was distanced from the family over the years. Her response was “I am not sure; just living life.” That was until the love of her life was killed in an accident. Family and Love came with another meaning and understanding. The family she left behind was the family that showed pure love and support during her time of an unexpected misfortune.

When love is authentic you can use peace, hurt, pain, frustration and troublesomeness times to motivate you, rather than upset you; finding purpose in every situation.  

 I believe that all of us have a choice to bring about change. To choose to love or not to love or choose to find excuses for what love is not; one thing love is is a word of action. Love brings joy to your soul. Love is one of the most powerful forces that connect the world.

 Love is a mindset that takes action. I encourage you to love Unconditionally 365 days not just in the month of February. God is Love Every Day!

Cassandra Williams Herbert
Contributing Writer