Q: I’m going through a divorce and I’m not sure if it’s the right thing to do or not…What are your honest thoughts about divorce?
Signed: D.C. ~ Confused Christian
A: This is a question that I am so familiar with because I am a Christian woman who experienced a divorce, even wrote a book about it~Woman On Fire. I was very confused about divorcing because I was always told that I shouldn’t and it was wrong according to the Bible. It confused me because I didn’t understand why God wanted me to be unhappy. I knew that He could heal and save marriages because I had witnessed a few that had gone through tumultuous times. However, I was still confused. I never thought I would have to make a decision such as that.
A: This is a question that I am so familiar with because I am a Christian woman who experienced a divorce, even wrote a book about it~Woman On Fire. I was very confused about divorcing because I was always told that I shouldn’t and it was wrong according to the Bible. It confused me because I didn’t understand why God wanted me to be unhappy. I knew that He could heal and save marriages because I had witnessed a few that had gone through tumultuous times. However, I was still confused. I never thought I would have to make a decision such as that.
After much prayer and consulting with a few pastors, it was confirmed through many signs that God did not want me to be unhappy or in an unhealthy relationship. Although it was very emotional and painful, I was at peace with the decision. It took much time to understand what was happening and I really had to stand firm in prayer because there were some who did not agree at all. I was told to work it out, stay and endure, etc… I had to shield my ears and really rely on my resources. If you rely on God’s guidance, He will reveal and order your steps for the both of you. I’m not a fan of divorce but I do believe that God wants us to be in HEALTHY, THRIVING and GODLY relationships.
Until next time, remember to laugh, live, and love life!
Love ya,
Until next time, remember to laugh, live, and love life!
Love ya,
Trinette Collier Green is a Certified Relationship Stylist
Submit your questions to simplycindyblog@gmail.com
Submit your questions to simplycindyblog@gmail.com
Good advice! Very practical and helps the reader to understand she's not alone. I would certainly pray and whatever peace God gives her, follow that. I will say this, marriage is to represent Christ relationship with the church. It's work because as humans,we aren't always loving like Christ. It can work when both parties do the work. I would also suggest individual counseling to work through the inner turmoil that comes with divorce.