Friday, December 29, 2017

Beverly's Beatitudes by Beverly Branch

Too many people underestimate their potential and accomplishments because they haven't reached their final destination, or things didn't work out as they planned. But maybe, just maybe, it all works out how GOD planned or saw fit, by our obedience or disobedience in Him. 

Don't get so distracted by your own ambitions to reach your goals, that you miss out on celebrating your current progress in small beginnings, starts and finishes. Celebrate yourself, every idea, your journey, every little thought, plan, preparation, step and progress Big and SMALL!!!. 

Go out and get something for yourself, pat yourself on the back, salute yourself, reward yourself, and/or bless and encourage someone else's beginning or finished project, as a way or token of showing self-love and self-appreciation to you and them. You know how it felt when you were there or being there even NOW. 

Be proud of all you've THOUGHT, PLANNED, PREPARED FOR, PRAYED FOR, AND ACCOMPLISHED OR STUMBLED AND OR FAILED at in 2017! It was part of the PLAN!!! There's a Lesson in it ALL!!! CELEBRATE YOURSELF AND THEN LEND A HELPING HAND TO SOMEONE ELSE!!! Each One Teach One! These days we are so into getting it for ourselves first, and sometimes, just sometimes, it's meant for us to help others along even as we're helping ourselves. 

Remember, we're NOT in competition with one another; neither are we putting into existence the comparison of our vision with theirs or vice versa. We need one another to succeed!!! REMEMBER TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK! GOD gave us all a MEASURE, of all we can handle in our Power, that HE invested in Us. So let's remember, we all know and receive different things on different levels, that doesn't make one better or less than the other. But it creates a paradigm that results in us all needing each other and coming together adding each Ingredient to create the exact MEASURE for the Final MASTERPIECE!!!

Beverly Branch
Founder of Women In Fellowship Ministries

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