I made some changes, moved from Philly to Charlotte and began making small steps toward a healthier lifestyle.
I started with my nutrition, then my workouts, and finally, and most importantly, my work. Instead of just "having a job," I chose to do what I'm totally passionate about. I chose ME and a career path that ignites me ALL DAY, every day. Health & Fitness.
I took ACTION and I became accountable. With my support, you'll see how easy this can be.
Helping others build a life based on health and fitness, combined with great friends, open communication (with yourself and others) and choosing LOVE over fear in all areas of my life, has given me the chance to make an impact AND a life for myself.
If you've been wanting a healthier lifestyle without all the struggles, let's talk. Email me at the link below, or call me at (856) 340-0304 and I'll give you a free session to see if we're a good fit. Then YOU can enjoy better health and a lot less stress.
Here is my website to find out more and connect with me:
Way to go Noelle! Good work.