Monday, June 26, 2017

Raise 'Em and Praise Him - Testimony Tuesday! Bridget

In early 2012, I started having high blood pressure issues out of nowhere (180/100). In addition, my husband said that he could hear my heart beating while he was several feet away. I realized that my resting heart rate was much higher than it should have been (100 bpm).

He said that I needed to start walking, and he did it with me. That brought down my resting heart rate to normal. My BP also decreased, but still was too high (around 155/95). I joined a gym when his schedule changed and saw more improvement in my BP readings; however, it was still was not back to normal.

By the grace of God, I crossed paths at the gym with someone I know, who is also a sister in Christ. In conversation, I mentioned my frustration at not seeing more progress, and she lovingly told me that the problem was with my diet. Though I was not on any special diet, she meant my eating habits in general. She asked me to record EVERYTHING I ate for three days and send it to her.

She began to teach me how to eat, by making small changes at a time, without having to cut out complete groups of food, and still enjoy the food. It's called lifestyle eating. I also started tracking my food daily through a free app called My Fitness Pal, which I have been using for more than 1,100 days in a row. This was the miracle that I needed! (By the way, this does NOT mean 1,100+ days of perfection, but of awareness.)

I realized that I had been asking God to decrease my BP as if He were a genie in a bottle to grant my wish. Though He certainly could have done it that way, He instead showed me that He sent a wise woman, Japonica Walker, N.D., to teach me the tools I needed to do this WITHOUT MEDS. By actually putting into practice what she taught me, it has made a HUGE difference in my health and overall quality of life. Now, the Lord is using me to help others do the same.

In 2014, in four months' time, I lost 20 pounds and 10 total inches. Weight loss was not my goal, but it was "icing on the cake." My BP is fine. The 35-year issue I had had with cystic acne is no more. The migraines, with which I suffered for 35 years, complete with vomiting, I no longer have. Hallelujah!

Because people have seen such a physical transformation in me, they've started asking me to share what I have done and am doing. God has literally opened doors and continues to open doors, to minister to others in a practical way to help them to transform their health. As their lives change, others are asking them what they have done, and on and on it goes. When I lost the weight and inches in 2014, I went from a size 10 to a size 6. That was three years ago, and I am still wearing a size 6.

Another benefit is that our children are making healthier choices. I am thankful they are still young enough for me to have that kind of influence over them. I do not want them to have to "deprogram" decades of bad eating habits like I did. Yet, it IS possible. I am living proof!

Living a healthy lifestyle is a choice-by-choice process every day. Faith and works go hand-in-hand on this journey, as well. It is worth it to honor the Lord by taking care of our earthly "temples." For believers, His Spirit dwells there. He wants to accomplish great things through us. I want to be strong enough not only spiritually, but also physically, to fulfill His assignment for me.

I am so grateful for Dr. Walker, N.D., for her willingness to obey the Holy Spirit in helping me. Thanks be to God!

If you'd like to follow my journey and receive encouragement, please feel free to follow me on social media:
- Instagram: modelp31fit
- Twitter: @modelp31fit

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